Continúan las labores del personal seleccionado del programa “Trabaja Perú”, en la limpieza de las “Quebradas El Chira” en el Centro Poblado de Jibito y limpieza de la “Quebrada Ex Mercado” en Sojo, se espera que la población aledaña a estos sectores vecinales mantenga la zona limpia y no permitir el arrojo de residuos sólidos que perjudican y atentan contra la salud de las personas y el medio ambiente.



  • 9 mayo, 2022 a las 6:40 am
    Enlace permanente

    Access to various payment gateways was one
    of the greatest issues we observed from multiple countries.

    Instead of limiting our customers, we offer different payment options,
    so they don’t have to worry about having a specific payment type on hand.
    In certain places of the world, traditional payment gateways may restrict customers.
    You can use Bitcoin payments to solve this problem. Many businesses worldwide are starting to accept Bitcoin as a payment method like they do credit cards.
    Bitcoin is known as «the secure money of the Internet.» To handle bitcoin payments,
    bitcoin payment services function as a mediator between the sender of
    the money and the recipient. We offer support for receiving bitcoin payments.

    So don’t worry.
    Due to lower transaction costs than a conventional credit card payment, bitcoin payments are more cost-effective
    than standard credit card transactions. So it is advisable to use Bitcoin payments instead of the traditional ways, but we are not trying to force you into anything; you are free to choose whatever payment method you want.


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